Bibliografias > Histeria

Bibliografia preparada pelo dr. Manoel Berlinck. 

Abbott, E. Carl. “The wicked womb”. Canadian Medical Association Journal 148, no 3 (1993): 381-382.

Abricossoff, Glafira. L’hystérie aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles: Étude historique. Paris: G. Steinheil, 1897.

Abse, D.Wilfred. Hysteria and Related Mental Disorders. 2a ed. Bristol: Wright, 1987.

Acker, S. “Comment aujourd’hui peut-on comprendre les manifestations hystériques à la lumière de l’évolution du concept d’hystérie au cours de l’histoire de la médecine”. Ph.D. diss., University of Paris, 1973.

Addyman, Marie E. “The character of hysteria in Shakespeare’s England”. Ph.D. diss., University of York, 1988.

Aguayo, Joseph. “Charcot and Freud: Some implications of late 19th century French psychiatry and politics for the origins of psychoanalysis”. Psychoanalysis and Comtemporary Thought 9, no 2 (1986): 223-260.

Alienistas delPisuerga (org.) (2011). La histeria antes de Freud. Gilles de la Tourette, Briquet, Chacot, Lasègue, Falret, Colin, Kraepelin, Bernheim, Grasset. Madrid: Ergon.

Amselle, Gaston. Conception de l’hystérie: Étude historique et clinique. Paris: Doin, 1907.

Andersson, Ola. Chaps. 2, 3 and 4 in Studies in the Prehistory of Psychoanalysis. Stockholm: Svenska Bokförlaget, 1962.

Appignanesi, Lisa e Forrester, John. Part 2 in Freud’s Women: Family, Patients, Followers. New York: Basic Books, 1992.

Apter, Emily S. “The garden of scopic perversion Monet to Mirbeau.” October 47 (inverno 1988): 91-115.

Auvray-Escalard, Béatrice. “Un méconnu de l’hystérie: Jules Bernard Luys (1828-1897)”. Ph.D. diss., University of Caen, 1984.

Axenfeld, Alexandre e Huchard, Henri. Traité des névroses. 2a enl. ed. Paris: Germer Baillière, 1883.

Babinski, J. (1934). “Definición de la histeria”. In Jorge J. Sauri (org.) (1985). Las histerias. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión.

Bart, Pauline B. “Social structure and vocabularies of discomfort: What happened to female hysteria?” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 9 (Setembro 1968): 188-193.

Bart, Pauline B. e Scully, Diana H. “The politics of hysteria: The case of the wandering womb”. In Edith S. Gomberg e Violet Franks (eds.), Gender and Disordered Behavior: Sex Differences in Psychopathology. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1979.

Beizer, Janet. Ventriloquized Bodies: Narratives of Hysteria in Nineteenth-Century France. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1994.

Bercherie, Paul. “Le concept de la folie hystérique avant Charcot”. Revue internationale d’histoire de psychiatrie 1, no 1 (1983): 47-58.

Berg, Jan Hendrik van den. Chap. 3 in The Changing Nature of Man: Introduction to a Historical Psychology (Metabletica). Traduzido por H. F. Croes. New York: Norton, 1961.

Bernheim, Hyppolite (1913). “De lalocura histérica”. In Alienistas delPisuerga (org.) (2010). La histeria antes de Freud. Madrid: Ergon.

Bernheimer, Charles e Kahane Claire (eds.), in Dora’s Case: Freud–Hysteria–Feminism. New York: Columbia University Press, 1985; 2a ed., 1990.

Bernheimer, Charles. Chap. 8 in Figures of Ill Repute: Representing Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century France. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1989.

Bewell, Alan J. “A word scarce said’: Hysteria and witchcraft in wordsworth’s experimental’ poetry of 1797-1798”. ELH (English Literary History), 53, no 2 (verão 1986): 357-390.

Beyond the Psychoanalytic Dyad. New York and London: Routledge, 1996.

Biéder, J. “La ‘communication préliminaire’ de 1893”. Annales médico-psychologiques, 130, no 3 (março 1972): 401-406.

Biéder, J. e Bohn D. “À propos de l’ouvrage de Pomme sur les ‘affections vaporeuses’: theórie et clinique, histoire naturlle des maladies”. Annales médico-psychologiques 146 (1988): 664-676.

Bitter, Wilhelm. “Die Hysterieforschung der ‘Französischen Schule’ und die Neurosenlehre von Breuer un Freud”. In Psychotherapie und Seelsorge: Eine Einführung in die Tiefenpsychologie, Gesammelte Vorträge. Stuttgart: Gemeinschaft “Arzt und Seelsorger”, 1954.

Blais, Joline Jeannine. “Plotting against Oedipus: Narrative alternatives to hysteria in the novels of Jean Rhys and Marguerite Duras”. Ph.D. diss., University of Pennsylvania, 1991.

Bonnet, G. “Regards sur les revues: De l’hystérie à la production artistique”. Psychanalyse à l’université 14, no 53 (1989): 141-147.

Boss, Jeffrey M. N. “The seventeenth-century transformation of the hysteric affection, and Sydenham’s Baconian medicine”. Psychological Medicine 9, no 2 (maio 1979): 221-234.

Brain, W. Russell. “The concept of hysteria in the time of William Harvey”. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 56, no 4 (abril 1963): 317-324.

Bresler, Johann. “Kulturhistorischer Beitrag zur Hysterie”. Allegemeine Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie 53 (1896-1897): 333-376.

Breuer, J. and Freud, S. Studies on Hsyteria, in The Standart Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Vol. 2. London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, [S.E. 2], 1895.

Briole, G. e Lafont, B. “La bataille de l’hystérie pendant la guerre de 1914-1918”. Synapse 31, no 31 (março 1987): 48-52.

Bruttin, Jean-Marie. Différentes théories sur l’hystérie dans la permiére moitié du XIXe siècle. Zurich: Juris Druck, 1969.

Bynum, W. F., Porter, Roy e Shepherd, Michael (eds.), The Anatomy of Madness: Essays in the History of Psychiatry. 3 vols. London: Tavistock, 1989.

Camhi, Leslie E. “Prisoners of gender: Hysteria, psychoanalysis, and literature in fin-de-siècle culture”. Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1991.

Cappello, Mary. “Alice James: Neither dead nor recovered’”. American Imago 45, no 2 (verão 1988): 127-162.

Carroy, Jacqueline. “Le noviciat de l’hystérie selon Georgette Dega”. Psychanalyse à l’université 12, no 45 (janeiro 1987): 141-152.

Carroy-Thirard, Jacqueline. “Figures de femmes hystériques dans la psychiatrie française du 19e siècle”. Psychanalyse à l’université 4, no 14 (março 1979): 313-324.

Carter, A.E. Chp. 3 in The Idea of Decadence in French Literature, 1830-1900. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1958.

Carter, K. Codell. “Germ theory, hysteria, Freud’s early work in psychopathology”. Medical History 24, no 3 (julho 1980): 259-274.

Catonné, Jean-Philippe. “Femmes et hystérie au XIXe siècle”. Synapse 88 (setembro 1992): 33-43.

Cazali, Joelle. “Histoire de l’hystérie: Ses variations sémiologiques et thérapeutiques à travers les siècles”. Ph.D. diss., University of Paris V, 1985.

Certeau, Michel de. “Ce que Freud fait de l’histoire: À propos de une névrose démoniaque au XVIIe siècle’”. Annales: Économies, sociétés, civilisations 25, no 3 (maio-junho 1970): 654-667.

Cesbron, Henri. Histoire critique de l’hystérie. Paris: Asselin et Houzeau, 1909.

Chailou, Marie-Elisabeth. “Evolution des conceptions étiologiques de l’hystérie”. Ph.D., diss., University of Paris XIII, 1985.

Charbonneau, Christine M. “À partir d’un traité des vapeurs du XVIIIe siècle: Éternelle hystérie…” Ph.D. diss., University of Paris V, 1984.

Charcot, J.M. (1887-8). “Acerca de lahistero-epilepsia”. In Jorge J. Saurí (org.). Las histerias. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión.

Charcot, J.M. (1887-8). “Gran histeria o hístero-epilepsia”. In Jorge J. Saurí (org.) (1984). Las histerias. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión.

Charcot, J.M. (1887-8). “Histeria y neurastenia enelhombre”. In Jorge J. Sauri (org) (1984). Las histerias. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión.

Charcot, Jean-Martin e Richer, Paul. Les démoniaques dans l’art. Introdução de Pierre Fédida. Posfácio de Georges Didi-Huberman. Paris: Macula, 1984.

Charcot, Jean-Martin. À propos de six cas d’hystérie chez l’homme. Paris: Théraplix, 1969.

Chertock, Léon. “À l’occasion d’un centenaire Charcot: L’hystérie et l’hypnose”. Perspectives psychiatriques 21, no 2 (1983): 81-89.

Cixous, Hélène e Clément, Catherine. La jeune née. (Paris: Union générale d’édition, 1975). Traduzido por Betsy Wing como The Newiy Born Woman. Introdução de Sandra M. Gilbert. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1986.

Cixous, Hélène. “Castration or decapitation?” Signs 7, no 1 (outono 1981): 36-55.

Clark, Michael J. “‘Morbid ‘introspection,’ unsoundness of mind, and British psychological medicine, c. 1830-1900.” In vol. 3 of W. F. Bynum, Roy Porter and Michael Shepherd (eds.), The Anatomy of Madness: Essays in the History of Psychiatry. 3 vols London: Tavistock, 1989.

Clavreul, Jean. Chap. 11 in L’ordre médical. Paris: Seuil, 1978.

Clément, Catherine. “Enclave/Esclave.” In Isabelle de Courtivron e Elaine Marks (eds.), New French Feminisms: An Anthology. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1981.

Colin, Henri (1890). “Sobre lalocura histérica”. In Alienistas delPisuerga (2010). La histeria antes de Freud. Madrid: Ergon.

Coriat, Isador H. The Hysteria of Lady Macbeth. New York: Moffat, Yard and Company, 1912.

Corraze, Jacques. “La question de l’hystérie.” In Jacques Postel e Claude Quétel (eds.), Nouvelle histoire de la psychiatric. Toulouse: Privat, 1983.

Critchley, E.M.R. e H. E. Cantor. “Charcot’s hysteria renaissant”, British Medical Journal 289, no 6460 (dezembro 22-24, 1984): 1785-1788.

Cummings, Katherine. Telling Tales: The Hysteric’s Seduction in Fiction and Theory. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1991.

Cumston, Charles G. “A note on Dr. Charles Lepois’ Writings on Hysteria.” London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, Reprints Collection, n.d.

David-Ménard, Monique. L’hystérique entre Freud et Lacan: Corps et langage en psychanalyse. Paris: Éditions universitaires, 1983. Traduzido por Catherine Porter como Hysteria Freud to Lacan: Body and Language in Psychoanalysis. Prefácio de Ned Lukacher. Ithaca, N Y: Cornell University Press, 19

De Boor, Clemens e Emma Moersch. “Emmy von N. – eine Hysterie?” Psyche 34, no 3 (março 1980): 265-279.

Debru, A. “La suffocation hystérique chez Galien et Aetius: Réécriture et emprunt de ‘je.’” in A. Garzya (ed.), Tradizione e ecdotica dei testi medici tardoantichi e bizantini. Naples: M. D’auria, 1992.

Decker, Hannah S. Freud, Dora, and Vienna 1900. New York: Free Press, 1991.

Decottignies, Jean (ed.), Physiologie et mythologie du “féminin.” Lille: Presses Universitaires de Lille, 1989.

Delmas-Marsalet, P. “L’évolution des idées sur l’hystérie.” Journal médical de Bordeaux 113 (1936): 195-202.

Didi-Huberman, Georges (2007). Charcot y laiconografía fotográfica de laSalpetrière. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra.

Didi-Huberman, Georges (2007). La invención de lahisteria. Charcot y la iconografia fotográfica de laSalpêtrière. Madrid: Cátedra.

Didi-Huberman, Georges. “Ästhetik und Experiment bei Charcot.” In Jean Clair, Cathrin Pichler e Wolfgang Pircher (eds.), Wunderblock: Eine Geschichte der modernen Seele. Vienna: Locker, 1989.

Doerner, Klaus. Madmen and the Bourgeoisie: A Social History of Psychiatry. Traduzido por J. Neugroschel e J. Steinberg. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1981.

Dottin-Orsini, M. Cette femme qu’ils disent fatale: Textes et images de la misogynie fin de siècle. Paris: Grasset, 1993.

Drinka, George F. Chap.4 in The Birth of Neurosis: Myth, Malady and the Victorians. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984.

Edmunds, Susan. “‘I read the writing when he seized my throat’: Hysteria and revolution in H.D.’s (Hilda Doolittle’s) Helen in Egypt.’” Contemporary Literature 32, no 4 (inverno 1981): 471-496.

Ehrenreich, Barbara e Deirdre English. Complaints and Disorders: The Sexual Politics of Sickness. Glass Mountain Pamphlets, no 2. Old Westbury, N.Y.: Feminist Press, 1973.

Ellenberger, Henri F. “A propos du Malleus Maleficarum.” Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Psychologie 10 (1951): 136-48.

Ernoul, E. “Du mutisme hystérique: Étude historique, clinique et thérapeutique”. Ph.D. diss., University of Paris, 1987.

Evans, Martha Noel. Fits and Starts: A Genealogy of Hysteria in Modern France. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1991.

Ey, Henri. “Introduction à l’étude actuelle de l’hystérie (Historique et analyse du concept).” Revue du praticien 14, no 11 (1964): 1417-1431. Traduzido como “Hysteria: History and Analysis of the Concept.” in Roy (ed.), Hysteria.

Fairbain, W. R. D. The nature of hysterical states, in Instinct to Self, ed. D. Scharff and E. Birtles, Vol. 1, 1944, pp. 13-40.

Fairbairn, W. Ronald D. (1954). “Observaciones sobre lanaturaleza de los estados histéricos”. In Jorge J. Sauri (org.) (1985). Las histerias. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión.

Falaise, C. “Le ‘Tout Paris’ des années 1880, à propos de la leçon clinique à la Salpêtrière (Brouillet, 1887).” Ph.D. diss., University of Caen, 1989.

Fancher, Raymond E. Chap. 2 in Psychoanalytic Psychology: The Development of Freud’s Thought. New York: Norton, 1973.

Fedikew, Patricia. “Marguerite Duras: Feminine field of hysteria.” Enclitic 6 (1982): 78-86.

Feingold, Madeline L. “Hysteria as a modality of adjustment in fin-de-siècle Vienna.” Ph.D. diss., California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley, 1983.

Feldman, Marie. “De Freud à Cixous: Une autre perspective sur Dora l’hystérique.” Master’s thesis, Florida Atlantic University, 1991.

Ferenczi, Sándor. Thalassa. New York: The Psichoanalytic Quarterly, [1923] 1938

Ferry, Susan J. “Lives measured in coffee spoons? A study of hysteria, class, and women in nineteenth-century Britain.” Master’s thesis, Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada, 1989.

Fichtner, Gerhard e Albrecht Hirschmüller. “Freuds ‘Katharine’–Hintergrund, Entstehungsgeschichte und Bedeutung einer frühen psychoanalytischen Krankengeschichte.” Psyche 39, no 3 (março 1985): 220-240.

Findlay, Heather Ann. “Madwomen, witches and lady Writers: Hysteria in English renaissance texts.” Ph.D. diss., Cornell University, 1993.

Finney, Gail. Chap. 6 in Women in Modern Drama: Freud, Feminism, and European Theater at the Turn of the Century. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1989.

Fischer-Homberger, Esther. “Hysteric und Misogynie: Ein Aspekt der Hysteriegeschichte.” Gesnerus 26, nos 1/2 (1969): 117-127.

Fletcher, John. Introduction: psychoanalysis and question of the other, in Jean Laplanche, Essais on Otherness. London: Routledge, 1999, pp. 1-51.

Forrester, John. “The true story of Anna O.” Chap. 1 in The Seductions of Psychoanalysis: Freud, Lacan, Derrida. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Forrester, John. The Seductions of Psychoanalysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Fortineau, Elisabeth. “Bernheim face à Charcot et Freud: L’école de Nancy.” Inforrmation psychiatrique 41, no 3 (abril 1985): 413-420.

Foucault, Michel. Folie et déraison: Histoire de la folie à l’âge classique. Paris: Plon, 1961. Traduzido por Richard Howard como Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. London: Tavistock, 1967.

Fredriksen, Paula. “Hysteria and the gnostic myths of creation.” Vigiliae Christianae 33, no 3 (setembro 1979): 287-290.

Freeman, Phyllis; Bogarad, Carley Rees e Sholomskas, Diane E. “Margery Kempe, a new theory: The inadequacy of hysteria and postpartum psychosis as diagnostic categories.” History of Psychiatry 1, no 2 (junho 1990): 169-190.

Freud, Sigmund. On the psychical mechanism of hysterical phenomena: preliminary communication, in Studies on Hysteria, S.E. 2, 1895, pp. 3-17.

Gallop, Jane. The Daughter’s Seduction: Feminism and Psychoanalysis. London: Macmillan, 1982.

Gasarian, Gérard. “La figure de poète hystérique ou l’allégorie chez Baudelaire.” Poétique 86 (abril 1991): 177-191.

Gasser, Jacques. “Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) et le système nerveux: Étude de la motricité, du langage, de la mémoire et de l’hystérie à la fin du XlXème siècle”. Ph.D. diss., École des hautes études en science sociales, 1990.

Gay, Peter. Freud: A Life for our Time. New York: Basic Books, 1988.

Gedo, John E. et al. “Studies on hysteria: A methodological evaluation.” In John E. Gedo e George H. Pollock (eds.), Freud: The Fusion of Science and Humanism, monograph 34/35 of Psychological Issues 1976. (9, nos. 2/3). New York: International Universities Press, 1976.

Gelfand, Toby. “Becoming patrimony: When, how, and why Charcot got into hysteria.” In C. G. Goetz (ed.), History of Neurology: Jean-Martin Charcot. Minneapolis: American Academy of Neurology Publications, 1993.

Gilles de la Tourette, Georges. Chap. 1 in vol.1 of Traité clinique et thérapeutique de l’hystérie d’après l’enseignement de la Salpêtrière. 3 vols. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1891.

Gilles de laTourette, Georges (1891). “Consideraciones históricas acerca de lahisteria”. In Alienistas delPisuerga (org.) (2010). La histeria antes de Freud. Madrid: Ergon

Gilman, Sander L. “The image of the hysteric.” In Sander Gilman, Helen King, Roy Porter, George Rousseau e Elaine Showalter, Hysteria beyond Freud. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.

Gilman, Sander L.; King, Helen; Porter, Roy; Rousseau, George e Showalter, Elaine. Hysteria beyond Freud. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.

Girard, R. “Pierre Janet: Psychopathology and the psychotherapy of neurosis.” Confrontations psychiatriques 6, no 11 (1973): 55-82.

Glaser, Gilbert H. “Epilepsy, hysteria and ‘possession’: A historical essay” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 166, no 4 (abril 1978): 268-274.

Gobbi, Jean-Pierre. “Le retour à Briquet: Enquête sur la disparition de la notion d’hystérie dans le DSM III.” Ph.D. diss., University of Paris VI, 1985.

Goblot, Jean-Jacques. “Extase, hystérie, possession: Les théories d’Alexandre Bertrand.” Romantisme 24 (1979): 53-59.

Godet, J. A. “Lecture de Jean Wier: Réflexions sur l’histoire de la sorcière et de l’hystérique, de leurs maux et de leurs thérapeutes.” Ph.D. diss., University of Paris, 1980.

Goetz, Christopher G.; Bonduelle, Michel e Gelfand, Toby. Chap. 6 in Constructing Neurology: Jean-Martin Charcot 1825-1893. New York: Oxford University Press, (no prelo).

Goldstein, Jan. Chap. 9 in Console and Classify: The French Psychiatric Profession in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

Gorceix, A., M. Gligseliger e G. Koin. “Les cinquante ans du cinquantenaire.” Annales médico-psychologiques 136, no 4 (abril 1978): 617-619.

Gordon, E. et al. “The development of hysteria as a psychiatric concept.” Comprehensive Psychiatry 25, no 5 (setembro-outubro 1984): 532-537.

Gorog, F. e Leguil, F. “Histoire de l’hystérie.” Soins-psychiatriques 27 (janeiro 1983): 3-6.

Goulemot, Jean Marie. “‘Prêtons la main à la nature…’: II. Fureurs utérines.” Dix-Huitième Siècle 12, número especial (Représentations de la vie sensuelle) (1980): 97-111.

Gourévitch, Danielle. Chap. 5 in Le mal d’être femme: La femme et la médecine dans la Rome antique. Paris: Société d’Édition “Les Belles Lettres”, 1984.

Gourévitch, Michel e Gourévitch, Danielle. “Les cas Aelius-Aristide, ou mémoires d’un hystérique au IIe siècle.” Information psychiatrique 44 (1968): 897-902.

Granier, Herve. “Folie et hystérie: Étude historique et clinique.” Ph.D. diss., University of Montpellier I, 1984.

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Green, André. Le travail du negatif. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1993.

Green, Monica Helen. Chap. 1 in “The transmission of ancient theories of female physiology and disease through the early middle ages.” Ph.D. diss., Princeton University, 1985.

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Grotstein, James. Splitting and Projective Identification. New York: Jason Aronson, 1981.

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Haberberg, Georges. “De Charcot à Babinski: Étude du rôle de l’hystérie dans la naissance de la neurologie moderne.” Ph.D. diss, University of Paris, 1979.

Hare, E. “The history of ‘nervous disorders’ 1600 to 1840, and a comparison with modern views.” British Journal of Psychiatry 159, (1991): 37-45.

Harrington, Anne. “Hysteria, hypnosis, and the lure of the invisible: The rise of neo-mesmerism in fin-de-siècle French psychiatry.” In vol. 3 of Bynum, Porter e Shepherd, The Anatomy of Madness.

Harris, Ruth. Introduction to Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Nervous System, by J.-M. Charcot. London and New York: Tavistock/Routledge, l991.

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Hawkins, Ernest L. “The raging womb: An archetypal study of hysteria and the early psychoanalytic movement.” Ph.D. diss., University of Dallas, 1978.

Herndl, Diane Price. “The writing cure: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Anna O., and ‘hysterical’ writing.” NWSA Journal 1 (1988): 52-74.

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Israël, Lucien. “Le corps hystérique.” Soins-psychiatriques 27 (janeiro 1983): 15-19.

Jacquart, Danielle e Claude Thomasset. Sexualité et savoir médical au moyen âge. Paris: PUF, 1985.

James, Mary. “The therapeutic practices of Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) in their historical and social context.” Ph.D. diss., University of Essex, 1989.

Janet, Pierre (1909). “El estado mental histérico”. In Jorge J. Saurí (1985). Las histerias. Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión.

Janet, Pierre. The Mental State of Hystericals. Traduzido por Caroline Rollin Corson. Prefácio de Daniel N. Robinson. Washington, D.C.: University Publications of America, 1977.

Jeanne des Anges, Soeur. Autobiographie d’une hystérique possédée. Prefácio de J.-M. Charcot. Paris: Jérome Millon, 1985.

Jennings, Jerry L. “The revival of Dora’: Advances in psychoanalytic theory and technique.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 34, no 3 (1986): 607-635.

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Jules Falret (1866). “El carácter histérico”. In Alienistas delPisuerga (org.) (2010). La histeria antes de Freud. Madrid: Ergon.

Kahane, Claire. “Hysteria, feminism, and the case of the bostonians.” In Richard Feldstein e Judith Roof (eds.), Feminism and Psychoanalysis. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1989.

Kane, Alison e Carlson, Eric T. “A different drummer: Robert B. Carter and nineteenth-century hysteria.” Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 58, no 6 (setembro 1982): 519-534.

Kenyon, E. “Hysteria in the wandering womb”. Australian and New Journal of Psychiatry 13 (1979): 3-6.

Khan, Masud (1971). Infantile neurosis as a false-self organization, in The Privacy of the Self. London: Hogarth, 1974, pp. 219-233.

Kiell, Norman. Chaps. 1, 3, and 7 in Freud Without Hindsight: Reviews of his Work (1893-1939). Traduzido por Vladimir Rus and Denise Boneau. Madison, Conn.: International Universities Press, 1988.

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